


欢迎来到第二年体验(SYE)项目! 这一切都是为了提供 support students need to thrive during their second year of college. 不管它是 through exciting events, academic coaching, career advice, or leadership opportunities, the SYE program is 在这里 to help students grow personally and professionally. 我们的目标 is to ensure that students have everything they need to succeed on campus and beyond.



We are committed to ensuring that at promise students are given the useful resources 他们需要更好地巩固自己在校内外的成功.

  • 变革型领导计划 -培养二年级学生的领导能力. 与体验联系起来 such as internships, study abroad, undergraduate research, experiential learning, 多样性/全球学习. 这个项目的所有学生都将获得一个教员 被称为教员研究员的导师. 按此申请.
  • 从实践经验中学习 - Learn about career interests and opportunities through experiencing them first-hand. 实习,工作见习,还有第二年 职业生涯长途跋涉 有什么方法可以与你未来的职业联系起来吗.
  • 学术指导 - A great way to get started picking what path a student wishes to walk.
  • 学术卓越中心 - An amplified learning center offering tutoring and a variety of other free services 帮助美国学生取得成功. 
  • AATS在“遇见大满贯”的车尾门.
  • Group of students in 工作经历 holding up J sign for Jaguars.
  • 学生在学生中心的桌子旁听老师讲课.
  • 在学生中心外搭起帐篷迎接专业日.
  • 教室里的学生,老师站在前面,拿着屏幕,
  • SYE员工
  • 摊位在走廊摆好,指导员在前面.



▼   学生

The 工作经历's 变革型领导计划 is now taking students 2024年秋季学期. 请填写 感兴趣的形式 看看你是否符合条件!


▼   教师们

The 变革型领导计划 is a leadership and skills development program for second-year students, with a special focus on students who identify as first-generation, have unmet financial needs, and/or are a member of a minoritized group in higher education, which supports strategic efforts to close equity gaps and graduate more students. This position requires the 教师 to dedicate 10-12 hours per semester to the guidance 以及学生在项目中的发展. 每位教员研究员都是 part of a nine month (August-May) 教师 学习社区 hosted by USA's Innovation in Learning Center to maximize their ability to assist the students.


  • 积极参与ILC SYE教师学习社区
  • Building a productive and trusting mentor/mentee relationship with up to five students
  • 帮助ing students develop SMART goals and action plans for their second year
  • Provide insight on various scholarships, work-study, and internship opportunities as well as appropriate university resources that benefit student growth
  • Collaborate with professional staff to provide accurate and relevant information
  • Submission of end-of-semester reporting documentation through the ILC SYE 教师 学习社区


▼   常见问题(FAQs)

什么是二年级经验? 对我们很多人来说,大学第二年可能会很艰难. 为了解决这个问题, 工作经历 (SYE) was created to aid in the success of second year students 在南方. SYE offers aid to students in the form of the Transformational Leadership Program (TLP), 学术指导, career readiness, and faculty mentoring.

什么是变革型领导力项目(TLP)?  This is a program for second year students to help with leadership development. In this program, students are called Second Year 学者 and will be matched with a 教师 Fellow who will help guide and support them through their academic journey. 

什么是学院研究员? A 教师 Fellow is a faculty member 在南方 that provides specialized mentorship to second year students in the 变革型领导计划 (TLP). 他们提供了 support and guidance through the potential challenges of the second year. 

这个项目需要安排多少时间? Generally, the time commitment is up to three hours per month, but t在这里 are optional 像职业生涯长途跋涉这样可能需要更多时间的机会. 

如何加入变革型领导力项目(TLP)? 十大彩票网投平台:sye@southalabama.Edu或注册 在这里.

我如何知道我是否符合TLP的资格? 有资格参加这个项目的学生通常是 第一代大学生, have an unmet financial need, or are traditionally underrepresented in higher education.

我为什么要加入TLP? The TLP provides students with the necessary help to have an enriching academic experience and build skills that will help to land that big internship opportunity! 以前的 Second Year 学者 have said: “Being in the 变革型领导计划 很有影响力吗. 它给了我认识新朋友,学习新事物的机会 我自己,并为我未来的职业生涯做准备.“来看看你如何才能实现转型 在十大彩票网投平台的第二年!

参加这个项目要花多少钱? 绝对不! 没有赶上! 没有成本!

什么是SYE职业之旅? SYE works with 职业发展 to plan a multi-day trip for Second Year 学者 与我们国家的顶级雇主建立联系. 这通常发生在五月 每学年的. 

第二年有多少有趣的事情值得期待啊? We have several events that you simply cannot miss such as the SYE Open House during the Week of Welcome, Transformational Tuesdays, Meet the Majors Academic Tailgate, 第二年的展示,毕业的一半,还有更多! 跟着我们走 Instagram @ usassecondyear了解更多详情. 








(251) 460-7074             kristiclayton@ayapsicoterapia.com





(251) 341-4065                    amcourtney@ayapsicoterapia.com



协调员,二年级经验- 从实践经验中学习

你可以在: 职业发展

(251) 460-6188                  cbgannaway@ayapsicoterapia.com





你可以在: 学业辅导及转学服务(AATS)

(251) 341-4017 aats@ayapsicoterapia.com

