
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. 如果你不问,那 答案总是否定的. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” – 诺拉·罗伯茨

The Master of Science degree in Biology is designed to provide qualified students the opportunity to further their knowledge in generalized and specialized areas of biology, as indicated by course offerings and research interests of the faculty.



Students can be admitted each semester. 请遵守 application deadlines for the university found online.
Requirements for admission into our Master of Science program can be 刊登在《十大彩票平台官网》上.


  • 不需要GRE考试
  • A strong background in biological sciences is preferred
  • Submission of a personal essay indicating research or program interest
  • 强有力的推荐信
  • 提交简历或C.V.
  • All students must complete their program requirements within five years
  • Thesis seeking applicants are strongly encouraged to identify a faculty who will serve 作为他们的研究导师. Please read more in the faculty research pages


For details of our program requirements 阅读大学通讯

  1. All students must meet their program requirements in five years. 
  2. All students must complete 30 h of coursework, with 14 h consisting of core courses. Elective courses may include directed studies and courses from other departments.
  3. Thesis track students must form an advisory committee, prepare and defend a research prospectus, which serves as the comprehensive examination, within the first two semesters. They need to successfully present and defend their thesis at the end of their program.
  4. Non-thesis students may choose to enroll in directed studies courses if they want 以提高他们的研究经验.


The Department offers several types of assistantships to qualified thesis-seeking 申请人只. Assistantships with primary responsibilities in teaching and preparing laboratories are available from the departmental office. 研究性的助教奖学金 are associated with grants and contracts that support the research of individual faculty members.  In all cases, assistantships are approved by the Dean of the 研究生院 upon recommendation of the appropriate sponsor within the University.

Cooperative Agreement with Education

A graduate student in our program may also concurrently pursue a Class A Professional Teaching Certificate for classes 6-12. This is a cooperative agreement with the College of Education and Professional Studies. Read details about requirements and admission for the Secondary Education M.Ed. 


If you have questions about the Graduate Program, either Thesis or Non-Thesis, you can contact the Graduate Program Director, Dr. 胡安·马塔,直接对着 jmata@ayapsicoterapia.com.